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Aromatherapy - Using Essential Oils

Massage Oils and Blends Baths/Shower/Steam Lamps and Diffusers

Massage Oils and Synergy Blends

When applying essential oils to the skin, always dilute with a carrier oil before applying. 5 drops EO per teaspoon or 15 drops EO per tablespoon of base oil is a standard ratio, however be sure to adjust for sensitiveties. One teaspoon will be sufficient for most bodies. Save and recycle empty essential oil bottles to store synergy mixes of essential oils. You will find the aroma changes and intensifies over time.



Oil and water do mix ;)

For the shower add the essential oil to your washcloth and rub briskly while standing under the running water. Use a decongesting oil like eucalyptus to ease congestion from a cold, or a stimulating oil like rosemary to awaken the senses.

Steam is one of the best methods to ease breathing and break up congestion. 2 - 3 drops essential oil, or a handful of fresh herbs such as eucalyptus in a bowl of hot water. Make a tent over your head with a towel. Close your eyes lean over the bowl and breathe in the steam for about a minute.

When adding essential the essential oils to the hot bath, wait until the water has stopped running, so they don't evaporate. You can dilute the oils in a base oil or honey, or add them neat, using a total of 10 to 14 drops per bath as a general rule. When using fresh herbs, put them in a muslin bag. To soften skin and remove impurities, dissolve 1 cup of epsom salts in the bath water. Standard bath. Aromatic baths with herbs and essential oils are an important part of hydrotherapy (water therapy), benefiting both the body and the mind aspects of conditions such as stress, troubled skin, and arthritis.
Sitz Baths - Referred to as hip baths because only the pelvic region is immersed in the water, good for treating cramps, lower back pain, vaginitis and hemorrhoids.
Foot Baths - The many blood vessels in the feet are able to carry the herbal or aromatic remedy all over the body.